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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Grad Projects Eyed to Revamp, Preserve Lovingston

Nelson County
“Projects crafted by graduate students from the University of Virginia School of Architecture have the potential to become tools that could be used to revitalize and augment the village of Lovingston while preserving its historical resources.

About 50 people from the Nelson County community attended a public presentation in early December at Nelson Memorial Library called the ‘Community History of Lovingston,’ where the students showcased their research work.

Bob Carter, the professor for the Community History Workshop course and the president of the Nelson County Historical Society, said the presentations were well-received by attendees, but that the projects are not obsolete now that they’ve been graded. Rather, they will become tools accessible to Nelson County government, residents and businesses.”
~Writes Katherine Lacaze of the Nelson County Times

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