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Monday, April 21, 2014

Faculty Profiles: Damian Pitt

Virginia Commonwealth University:
“Dr. Pitt received his BS from the University of Tennessee in 1998, Master of Community and Regional Planning from the University of Oregon in 2001, and Ph.D. in Planning, Governance and Globalization from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) in 2009…

Dr. Damian Pitt’s work examines efforts to reduce community-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through energy conservation, renewable energy use, land use and transportation policies. He has written several articles, professional and technical reports. Dr. Pitt’s academic background is complemented by substantive practical experience. Prior to resuming his doctoral studies, he served as a consultant for Cogan Owens Cogan, a nationally respected consulting firm in Portland, Oregon. While at COC, he led a variety of projects for public and private sector clients throughout the Pacific Northwest.

Dr. Pitt is committed to the pursuit of community-engaged research, which brings together the talent and resources of the university to work on diverse collaborations that benefit the people and communities of the commonwealth. His teaching incorporates students through service learning courses that have produced a number of energy and climate change planning documents for various localities. His most recent efforts included a series of research projects that used the community of Blacksburg, VA as a model for estimating potential energy consumption and GHG emission reductions through residential energy efficiency retrofits, alternative transportation and other local measures. By comparing areas with varying demographic and transportation patterns, Dr. Pitt’s research attempts to produce a flexible yet predictive model for local action planning that can be applied to different types of communities.”

Click here to learn more about Damian Pitt

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