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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Event from Virginia Innovation Partnership

Virginia Innovation Partnership:
“The Virginia Innovation Partnership (VIP) is a new statewide network that funds and mentors innovative teams and proof-of-concept projects at all of Virginia’s universities and colleges, with the goal of commercialization.  Attracting adequate venture capital funds and high-quality intellectual and business partners is a key to success. VIP will host the Virginia Ventures Forum to bring active venture capital and corporate funds to the VIP network, thus enhancing exposure of our i6-funded research to private sector investors and enhancing the deal flow to new ventures. This supports innovation, job creation, and increased GDP in Virginia based on new technology that is difficult to off-shore.
This year’s event will be again held in the Madison Building at the U.S. Patent and Trade offices in Alexandria, VA on Friday, September 12, 2014.  This full day event will showcase the funded VIP projects, offer keynote talks on the windows on the future, and provide periods of networking time. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required.”

Click here to learn more or to register