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Monday, February 10, 2014

A Strategy to Protect Virginians from Toxic Chemicals

University of Richmond:
“The University of Richmond School of Law announces the release of the first comprehensive report on releases and exposures to toxic chemicals in Virginia, 'A Strategy to Protect Virginians From Toxic Chemicals.'  Prepared by Professor Noah Sachs and law student Ryan Murphy, the report concludes that the Commonwealth should place controlling toxics at the forefront of its regulatory agenda to prevent accidents such as the coal ash spill near Danville this week and the chemical spill along the Elk River in Charleston, West Virginia last month.   The report addresses issues that have not received much attention in Virginia, including:
  • Chemical storage along waterways
  • The lack of a comprehensive state program for remediating contaminated sites
  • Coal ash disposal and regulation
  • Increasing DEQ's enforcement authority
  • Toxics in consumer products”

 ~Writes Noah M. Sachs: Professor, University of Richmond School of Law

Click here to learn more

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