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Thursday, January 2, 2014

U.Va. Alumni Help Children on the Move Take Their Schools with Them

University of Virginia
“For many children around the world – refugees from conflicts, or migrants whose families chase work where they can find it ­– regularly attending a school is not an option. Building Trust International, a nonprofit that provides building support and design advice to charities and communities in need, concluded that if the children can’t get to the school, perhaps there was a way to bring the school to the children. In 2012, Building Trust sponsored an international design competition to create a solution for displaced communities who lack adequate buildings for schools. The goal was to create the opportunity for communities to establish buildings for educational opportunities in their temporary homes.

Amadeo Bennetta and Dan LaRossa, both of whom received master’s degrees from the University of Virginia’s School of Architecture, designed a moving school for migrant and refugee communities of Southeast Asia, creating an opportunity for communities to establish an educational home away from home. As a result of their design’s ability to 'address the issues relating to simplicity, flexibility and the needs of this program to be relocated or adapted over time,' it was selected as the winner from hundreds of competitors.”
~Writes Ashley Patterson of UVA Today

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